Controversy over General Muhammadu Buhari’s characterization of Nigerian youths has taken a new dimension with a page being created on Wikipedia in acknowledgment of the social media revolt of young Nigerians against their description, tagged, #LazyNigerianYouths. While speaking at a forum during the just concluded Commonwealth Summit in UK, Buhari had said that youths in Nigeria want to sit down and do nothing, yet expect to get everything free because their country is an oil producing nation.
The comment stirs up angry reactions from young Nigerians who immediately implied Buhari’s statement to mean that they are lazy. Wikipedia described the trend as a social media outrage by Nigerian youths. On Wikipedia’s page, the social media outrage was described as, “The Lazy Nigerian Youths (Also known as “#LazyNigerianYouth” or simply “#LazyYouth”wink is a social media revolt by Nigerian youths against Buhari. While speaking at the Commonwealth Business Forum in Westminster in April Buhari said a lot of Nigerian youths have not been to school and they want everything free because the country is an oil-producing state. But the Nigerian youths will not have any of it as they soon took to social media to protest against the comment of the number one citizen of the country.”